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Which team the public is betting on NCAA college football?

The best way to gauge which NCAA college football team the public is betting on is to use public betting percentages provided by independent gambling aggregators of such information.

There are many free and some paid services which offer these figures and while there are many skeptics as to the accuracy of these numbers, most industry observers feel that the numbers and percentages are at least accurate enough to determine whichf side is the public’s betting choice in a particular matchup.

The free public percentages trackers may be more delayed or less accurate than the companies that offer more accurate results for a fee.

Shall you go against (“fade”) the public betting on NCAA Football?

In general, it is believed that over the long haul, a successful bettor will look for opportunities to go against (“fade”) the public, knowing that they also may be getting value in their point-spread, especially if the public has moved a favorite higher, for example, simply based on the volume of money.

What is RLM in betting markets?

Another interesting market “tell” is a reverse line move (RLM). This occurs when the line has moved in the opposite direction of the public’s interest.

For example, the University of Alabama might be laying (-21) points to their visiting opponent and is getting plenty of public backing at over 65 percent. However, a later check of the line shows that the point spread has moved to just (-19) despite the fact that nearly two-thirds of the public is still betting on Alabama.

This could be an indication that the book has received sharp money, perhaps a large bet or series of bets from a well-known successful bettor.

When tracking reverse line movement, make sure that the sharp line move didn’t come as a result of an injury or other key personnel situation or lineup change.