Mississippi Online Sports Betting Bill on Track for 2024
In the United States, online sports betting has continued to gain widespread popularity. However, as of December 2023, Mississippi prohibits online sports betting, making it a must to be physically present at a licensed casino within the state to place wagers.
The state initially embraced in-person sports betting in 2018, marking a significant step in its gambling landscape most notably with BetMGM Mississippi.
However, Jay McDaniel, the executive director of the Mississippi Gaming Commission (MGC), has hinted at the possibility of a new bill being introduced during the upcoming Legislative session. He suggests that there are potential changes to the existing regulatory framework that could impact Mississippi betting apps. This has given hope to all bettors aiming to have online sports betting shortly.
Current State of Mississippi Online Betting
Representative Casey Eure initially planned to introduce legislation for online sports betting in Mississippi at the onset of the legislative session on January 2. However, the proposal is yet to materialize.
In recent task force gatherings, independent casino proprietors opposed the idea of online sportsbooks, arguing that it could siphon revenue away from their establishments and potentially concentrate market dominance among a select few operators.
With a total of 26 casinos operated by 16 different companies, these independent casino owners have consistently presented a formidable challenge to the introduction of online sports betting.
The current dynamics indicate that their opposition remains a substantial hurdle to overcome, particularly in the face of concerns about market concentration. Notably, existing regulations already permit casinos to host online sportsbooks within their physical premises.
Mississippi Online Sports Bill Primed for 2024
Although casino resistance may hinder online expansion once again, optimism about Mississippi’s potential in the online sports betting market persists among industry insiders. According to various sources, Mississippi ranks as the second-most likely state to legalize online sports betting in 2024, with Minnesota leading the pack.
The commitment of the task force chair to introduce a bill and the apparent support from House Speaker Philip Gunn are viewed as positive indicators for Mississippi’s prospects.